TOP 5 in infectious diseases

Abstract management platform

Call for abstract TOP 5 in Infectious Disease

Supplement Issue for JAC-AMR

All abstracts will be showed as ePoster during the TOP 5 in Infectious Disease International Symposium in Venice 3rd-5th, 2025 and will be evaluated by a Board of International Experts. Twenty-five abstracts will be selected for publication on a supplement issue for JAC-AMR, that will be indexed in PubMed, and available to BSAC members and the wider ID community via Open Access.


Only abstract in English language will be accepted. The abstracts should be styled in a consistent manner:

1) all affiliations need to be clear and complete

2) Consistent formatting is required (headings: Background, Methods, Results, Conclusions)

3) Abbreviations – should all be spelt out on first mention

4) If there are any references, they should include journal, volume and page details

5) All references should be cited in the text

6) It is possible to insert a maximum of 1 table or 1 figure in the abstract text.

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